Of course I had to watch "Svaha: The Sixth Finger" when I found it on Netflix, given the fact that it is a South Korean movie. Plus, the synopsis for the movie made it sound rather interesting.However, the truth was far from this fact. Because "Svaha: The Sixth Finger" was most definitely not interesting. It was unfathomably slow paced and tedious. In fact, the pacing of the movie dragged down the overall enjoyment to the point where it was becoming a pain in the you-know-what to sit there and witness on the screen. And the fact that the character gallery was essentially as interesting as wet cardboard didn't really help to improve either.I have no idea what director Jae-hyun Jang was trying to accomplish with this movie, because it was pure torture to sit through. I ended up turning off this stinking heap of a movie halfway through, out of sheer and complete boredom, and having absolutely no interest in any of the characters whatsoever.Not even with the likes of Jung-jae Lee in the movie, was it possible to salvage this movie that sank faster than even Titanic.It should be said that the production value to the movie was good. And that at least counts for something. But weighed against a so slowed pace that it felt like the movie was going in reverse, pointless characters and a frightfully lack of proper storyline, then good production only serves so little.I have no interest of returning to finish this boring movie, because there seriously was nothing worth of any kind for me here. It was sheer and pure boredom in its purest form.
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